Download FusionPBX

Install Script


Debian 12 is the recommended operating system. Start with a minimal install.
Download: Debian 12, Debian 11

For best results, please ensure your server has been fully updated first...
sudo apt update && apt upgrade
Then run the following as root...
wget -O - | sh;

cd /usr/src/ && ./


Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Start with a minimal install.
Download: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS

For best results, please ensure your server has been fully updated first...
sudo apt update && apt upgrade
Then run the following as root...
wget -O - | sh;

cd /usr/src/ && ./

Raspberry Pi OS (Previously Raspbian)

Based on Debian Buster, Raspberry Pi OS works on the Raspberry Pi 2, 3, 4, and Zero W. (Installing on the Raspberry Pi Zero is not recommended due to its slower processing capabilities.)

Debian 9 is currently the recommended operating system and version. Download the newest version of Raspbian. Tools and information on unzipping the image and writing the operating system image to an SD card are available on the Installing OS Images page. Then run the following commands as root...

wget -O - | sh;

cd /usr/src/ && ./


Start with a minimal install of FreeBSD 14.1. Then run the following commands as root...

pkg install --yes git

cd /usr/src && git clone

cd /usr/src/ && ./


Warning this install is out of date. We welcome pull requests if you have the capability to improve the install script. Start with a minimal install of CentOS 7. Then run the following commands as root...

yum install wget

wget -O - | sh

cd /usr/src/ && ./

Web Server: NGINX

The default webserver configured by the installation script is NGINX. It is small, fast and easy to configure. HTTPS is pre-configured with a self signed certificate upon completion.

Database Server: PostgreSQL or SQLite

PostgreSQL is an advanced ANSI SQL compliant database. It is stable and powerful. It has native UUID data types, native JSON support, Foreign Data Wrappers, multi-master replication and a lot more. Multi-master file and database replication are taught in the FusionPBX Advanced training. SQLite is a great choice for embedded systems. SQLite should not be used for the FusionPBX database for multi-tenant systems.

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